Today has been a sad day. Our best friends are moving away.
No. The rest of this story will not rhyme.
Marc and I met Kristin and Corey when I was pregnant for the first time and we were in our birthing class. They were one of the couples we sat by the first night....obviously pregnant with their first baby too, and we just hit it off. We hung out in class each week and went out to dinner before our babies were born. When the babies came, 12 days apart, Kamryn for them, and Calvin for us, our friendship just blossomed. Kristin and I began spending A LOT of time together. We both worked part time, so we traded babies a couple times a week so we wouldn't have to use daycare. On the days we weren't working, we very often went out to lunch or just hung out together. Calvin and Kamryn got to know each other very well, and spent a lot of time with each other.
They quickly became friends, and to this day have the closest relationship of any of our kids. Probably because they spent 3-4 days a week together the first couple years of their life! They were pretty easy. I have SO many pictures of them together it was hard to decide which ones to use. We've always liked this story though......Kamryn did NOT like vegetables as a baby, and Calvin loved them. So when they were in their high chairs she would very carefully take all of her vegetables, one by one, and put them on his tray. Or sometimes feed them to him. It just worked.
Two years after these first babies....we had two more babies together. This time 3 weeks apart.
Nathan and Sophie rocked our worlds a little bit. We decided it was a bit much to trade kids a couple days a week now that it would be two 2 year olds and two newborns. We started using a babysitter. This did not stop us from spending lots of time together. We still did McDonalds usually so the toddlers could play and we sometimes still got to talk.
As Nathan and Sophie came close to being two, we began to talk about whether we were ready for another one. Kristin and I that is. Oh sure, we both talked about it with our husbands too, but we also discussed it with each other. We both thought we'd be ready within a couple months. Still...we were surprised when we shared with each other that we were expecting, and shared the exact SAME due date! We couldn't have planned that if we'd tried!
So, 9 months later we looked like this. Together. Again.
This time we both had a girl! We were very excited when Jillian and Claire arrived 4 days apart. Our closest yet. We missed being in the hospital together by one day.
My babies were always first and Kristin would always come visit and bring me a McDonalds diet coke, or if the season was right, a Shamrock Shake. Our favorite. This time Jillian and I visited Kristin and Claire one day after we left the hospital ourselves. It was pretty funny. And these girls have gotten to be good friends too.....just like their brothers and sisters.
Kristin and I were in ECFE together for seven years. We sat through gymnastics, swimming lessons, tball, and countless other things. Our families always shared birthdays together, and we went to their house to trick or treat together every year for Halloween.
Now they are moving.....only an hour away....but it will be hard. I kind of feel like I'm losing my other half. She is the one I call when I'm going crazy. She gets it....she's usually going crazy too. We've seen each others good sides and bad sides. We drop our kids off with each other when we have appointments and whatever else. We talk on the phone A LOT according to our husbands. I know that doesn't have to change. I know we will see them. They have become too dear to us for any of that to change. Marc and Corey finish each others sentences and like to get together for a good discussion on politics when they can. These people have secured a place in our lives and in our hearts. We've shared a time in our lives that is so important I know none of us will ever forget. Our friendship will continue to grow....just from a little further away.
We got together at their old house one last time this past weekend. It was fun, as it always is when we're together, but it was hard. We all knew...including the kids....that things were changing. Change is always hard, but it can be so good. I'm really excited to see where this takes all of us. I'm excited that it will mean more family time for them. I can't wait to plan a weekend to go visit them and for them to come back here. I know we'll appreciate our time we always have.
We love you guys, and we are so blessed to have you in our lives!